Approximating Dense Cases
We study dense cases of several covering problems. An instance of the set cover problem with m sets is dense if there is > 0 such that any element belongs to at least m sets. We show that the dense set cover problem can be approximated with the performance ratio c log n for any c > 0 and it is unlikely to be NP-hard. We construct a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the dense Steiner tree problem in n-vertex graphs, i.e. for the case when each terminal is adjacent to at least n vertices. We also study the vertex cover problem in -dense graphs. Though this problem is shown to be still MAX-SNP-hard as in general graphs, we nd a better approximation algorithm with the performance ratio 2 1+ . The superdense cases of all these problems are shown to be solvable in polynomial time. 1 Dense Set Cover Problem We start with the Dense Set Cover Problem. Let X = fx1; :::; xkg be a nite set and P = fp1; :::; pmg 2X be a family of its subsets. The Set Cover Problem (SCP) asks for a minimum size sub-family M of P such that X [fpjp 2Mg. The greedy heuristic gives 1 + lnk approximation for SCP [5]. Moreover, SCP cannot be approximated to within less than ln k-factor unless NP DTIME[nloglogn] [6]. The B-sparse SCP has a constant upper bound B > 1 on the number of sets in P which cover the same element of X. The Vertex Cover Problem is a well-known representative of B-sparse SCP (B=2). There is a simple B-approximation algorithm for this problem. From the other side, the B-sparse SCP is MAX SNP-complete. In an -dense SCP, any element of X belongs to at least jP j sets for some < 1. We will analyze the greedy heuristic applied to -dense SCP. This heuristic repeatedly choose a maximum size set in P , remove its elements from X and all other sets in P . All chosen sets form the output set cover Greedy. Lemma 1 The size of Greedy is at most log1=(1 ) k. Proof. At rst we will show that the maximum size of a set in P is at least k. Consider a bipartite graph G = (P [X;E) where x 2 X and p 2 P are adjacent if and only if x 2 p. The degree of any x 2 X is at least m, so the number of edges in this graph is at least mk and, therefore, there is a set p 2 P with degree at least m. Each iteration of the greedy heuristic does not decrease density, since all elements which belong to the chosen set are removed from X. So the size of X after the ith iteration is at most (1 )ik} This lemma shows that the size of the optimal set cover is O(log k). So we cannot expect that the -dense SCP is NP -complete, since a simple O(mO(logk))-time exhaustive search chooses the optimal solution. Theorem 1 Unless NP DTIME[nlogn], the -dense SCP is not NP -complete. Note that O(log k) is the tight bound for the performance ratio of the greedy heuristic applied to -dense SCP. To show this for = 1 2 , we can construct an instance of this problem with the size of optimal solution of O(log k) and then add two sets A and B such that A [ B = X, A \ B = ;. On the other hand, unlike to the general case of SCP, we may decrease the constant factor as far as we want. Lemma 2 For any c > 0 and 1 > > 0, there is a c ln k-approximation algorithm for -dense SCP. Proof. Indeed, let transform an instance of -dense SCP to an instance of (1 (1 )2)dense SCP in the following way. Consider a family P 2 = fp [ q : p; q 2 Pg. It is easy to see that any solution for SCP with the family P 2 gives a solution for initial SCP. An -density { 2 { means that at most (1 )m sets do not contain a given element of X. But then at most (1 )2m2 sets in P 2 do not contain a given element of X. Lemma 1 implies that such transformation decrease the performance ratio of the greedy algorithm twice. } Theorem 1 arises the following two open problems: Problem 1 Can -dense SCP be solved in polynomial time? Problem 2 Can -dense SCP be approximated in polynomial time to within constant factor? Further densi cation leads to polynomial solvability of SCP. The -superdense SCP is the case of SCP where each element of X is covered by at least m o(m ) sets of P for some < 1. Theorem 2 The -superdense SCP can be solved in polynomial time. Proof. Let each element of X is covered by at least m m = m(1 m 1) sets of P for some < m1 . By Lemma 1 for = 1 m 1, the size of optimal solution is at most log 1m1 k = 1 (1 )(1 logm ) logm k: Thus, exhaustive search for nding an exact solution has at most k((1 ) ) 1 cases to consider. }2 Dense Steiner Tree Problem Consider a connected graph G = (V;E) with a terminal set S V . The Steiner Tree Problem (STP) asks for a minimum size tree within G which spans all terminals from S. Further, d(F ) denotes the length of a graph F , jSj = k and jV j = n. A well-knownminimum spanning tree heuristic (MSTH) [9] nds a minimumspanning treeM of a weighted complete graph G0 = (S;E 0; c), where the weight of any edge equals to the length of the shortest path between its ends in G. Then MSTH replaces all edges of M with the corresponding paths in G and extracts a tree from the subgraph obtained. An optimal Steiner tree contains also non-terminals. Each such vertex of degree at least 3 is called a Steiner point. It is easy to see that there are at most k 2 Steiner points. Using MSTH we can nd an optimal Steiner tree if we add all Steiner points to the terminal set. Remark 1 An optimal Steiner tree can be found exactly in O(nk) time. MSTH gives 2-approximation for STP [9] and the best up-today polynomial-time approximation guarantee is about 1.644 [7]. From the other side, STP is known to be MAX SNP complete [4]. { 3 { In the B-sparse STP the degree of any vertex is bounded by a constant B. It is known that STP in the rectilinear metric (a sub-case of 4-sparse STP) is NP -complete but the question whether it is MAX SNP-hard or not is still open. In an -dense instance of STP (for some < 1) any terminal has at least n neighbors outside S. Note that for > 1 2 , -dense STP is a sub-case of Network STP with distances 1 and 2 which is still MAX SNP-complete [4]. The Rayward-Smith heuristic [8] was proposed for the latter problem in [4]. It achieves a better approximation guarantee (4 3) then MSTH which has the tight bound 2 as for the general case. MSTH also does not di er the dense and general case of STP. If the number of terminals is small enough, i.e. k 1 , then we can nd an exact solution in polynomial time. Otherwise, we apply to the dense STP the following variant of Rayward-Smith heuristic (or the greedy algorithm [10]). Algorithm DSTP (0) SP ;; C ffsg : s 2 Sg (1) while jCj > 1 do find v 2 V n S with the maximum size of D(v) = fC 2 C : C contains a neighbor of vg SP SP [ v; C C nD(v) [ f[C2D(v)Cg; (2) find an optimal Steiner tree T for a terminal set S [ SP. Let C consist of sets C1; :::; Cr after Step (1) of Algorithm DSTP. Let add edges between all terminals of the same set Ci; i = 1; :::; r. The length of the optimal Steiner tree in the graph G0 obtained cannot be longer than in G. There is an optimal Steiner tree OPT 0 in G0 containing spanning trees Mi for each set Ci; i = 1; :::r. If we contract any such tree Mi to a vertex, then OPT 0 appears to be an optimal Steiner treeM0 spanning vertices corresponding to Ci. Thus, the edge set of OPT 0 is a union of edges of Mi; i = 0; 1; ::; r. Algorithm DSTP constructs some Steiner trees M 0 i in G for terminals of Ci (step (1)) and then nds the shortest tree M 0 0 spanning M 0 i ; i = 1; :::; r (step (2)). M 0 0 cannot be longer that M0, since M0 also spans M 0 i . Remark 1 implies that an exhaustive search in Step (2) can be executed in time O(n1= ). An approximation ratio of Algorithm DSTP is at most Pri=0 d(M 0 i) Pri=0 d(Mi) Pri=1 d(M 0 i) Pri=1 d(Mi) = k r + jSP j k r 1 + jSP j k 1 : (1) The size of SP equals to the number of iterations in Step (1). Each iteration of (1) decreases the size of C by at least jCj 1. Thus, after i-th iteration jCj (k 1 )(1 )i+ 1 . The procedure (1) interrupts when jCj < 1 + 1, so jSP j log1=(1 )(k 1 ): { 4 { Thus, (1) implies the following Lemma 3 An approximation ratio of Algorithm DSTP is at most 1 + log1=(1 )(k 1 ) k 1 } Given an arbitrary approximation ratio 1 + , > 0, our strategy is to solve exactly in polynomial time (for xed and ) instances of DSTP with small number of terminals, i.e. when k satis es the following inequality log1=(1 )(k 1 ) k 1 : If the number of terminals is su ciently big, then we apply Algorithm DSTP. Thus we obtain the following Theorem 3 There is a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the -dense STP. } It is not di cult to see that there is a polynomial time reduction of the -dense SCP to the -dense STP and vice versa, thus, the problem of polynomial time solvability of -dense STP is equivalent to Problem 1. Similarly to SCP, we de ne -superdense STP to be the case of STP where any terminal has at least n o(n ) neighbors outside S. Corollary 1 The -superdense STP can be solved exactly in polynomial time. 3 Dense Vertex Cover Problem Vertex Cover Problem (VCP). Given a graph G = (V;E), nd a minimum size vertex set OPT V such that at least one end of any edge belongs to OPT . The following algorithm is suggested for VCP in -dense graphs, i.e., in graphs where any vertex has at least n neighbors for some > 0 (jV j = n). Let O(v) denote the set of neighbors of a vertex v, G(V 0) denote a subgraph induced by a vertex set V 0 V and 2VC denote the well-known 2-approximation algorithm for VCP. Algorithm DVC for all v 2 V do V 0 V n (O(v) [ fvg); find a vertex cover V C(v) for G(V 0) using 2VC; V C(v) O(v) [ V C(v); APPR argminv2V jV C(v)j. { 5 {Let v =2 OPT . Then O(v) OPT since all edges incident to v should be covered byOPT . Moreover, O(v) covers all edges between O(v) and the corresponding V 0. So the restof vertices of OPT cover the edges of G(V 0).Let OPT 0 = OPT O(v). The output vertex cover of 2VC applied to V 0 has a size atmost minf2jOPT 0j; jV 0jg. So the approximation ratio can be bounded as follows.jAPPRjjOPT j jO(v)j+minf2jOPT 0j; jV 0jgjO(v)j+ jOPT 0jminfjO(v)j+ 2jOPT 0jjO(v)j+ jOPT 0j ;njO(v)j+ jOPT 0jgIf 2jOPT 0j (1 )n, thenjAPPRjjOPT jn+ 2jOPT 0jn+ jOPT 0j = 211 + jOPT 0jnThus, the more jOPT 0j corresponds to the more bound for the approximation ratio. There-fore,jAPPRjjOPT j 211 + 0:5(1 )nn = 21 + :If 2jOPT 0j (1 )n, then we obtain the same bound for the approximation ratio asfollowsjAPPRjjOPT jnn+ 0:5(1 )n = 21 + :Theorem 4 The algorithm DVC has an approximation ratio at most 21+ for -dense graphs.Theorem 5 The -dense Vertex Cover Problem is MAX SNP-hard.Proof. (Sketch.) Starting with an instance of the Vertex Cover Problem in a graph G withn vertices we dencify it joining all vertices of a clique of size 1 n with all vertices of G.The resulting graph is -dense and, therefore, if we have an -approximation for DVC, thenthe reduction above gives (1 + )-approximation algorithm for the general problem whichis MAX SNP-hard. }Further densi cation (as for SCP and STP) leads to decreasement of approximationcomplexity.We say that an instance of VCP is -superdense if the degree of any vertex is at leastn o(n ). Theorem 4 impliesCorollary 2 The -superdense VCP has a polynomial-time approximation scheme. { 6 {References[1] S. Arora, D. 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تاریخ انتشار 1996